Sweet Spot Sex is about more than pleasure and more than connecting more deeply with your partner.
These are both important and beautiful things, but what makes Sweet Spot Sex special is the transformational, expansive, and even spiritual experience that is possible.
I’m talking about the kind of sex where you feel like your bodies have merged, you’re experiencing as one. You’ve gone beyond the mind, even beyond the body, in an experience of bliss.
Your orgasm becomes more of an expansive, blissful state that you play in rather than a brief moment in time.
This kind of sex has ripple effects into the rest of your life.
When we committed to a sacred sexuality practice, having an experience like this was more of an aspiration, and something we caught a glimpse of once in a while, unreliably.
As our practice developed, we began to discern some key ingredients that help us to experience what we like to call Sweet Spot Sex.
Now, it’s important to note that there is no secret formula for great sex. Your sexual desire and pleasure is a complex system made up of many factors, some physical but largely contextual.
What works for you one day might be different the next, and while our ingredients for Sweet Spot Sex might be a helpful guide, the best guide will be your own body, and your own exploration of what contexts support your sexual flourishing.
That being said, the 5 keys that we’ve developed are quite universal, and I believe that practicing any of them will help you to create a more fulfilling sexual experience.
Let’s dive in!
A few weeks back I wrote a whole blog post about the impact of expectations in sex and intimacy - you can read that here.
Expectations can include anything from the expectation of orgasm, pleasure, how your body should respond, how your partner should act or respond… really any beliefs about the way sex should or should be, and how you and your partner should or shouldn’t be.
When we release all expectations, we make room for new experiences, and we give ourselves the freedom to discover our experience just as it is, rather than trying to shape or control our experience.
Do you ever notice yourself thinking about other things during sex?
It is a natural thing - the mind loves to wander. You may be thinking about what to do next, about how you are moving, how you look or something totally unrelated like a TV show you’re into.It can be easy for the body to follow habitual patterns during sex. You may be going through the motions, or moving your body based on your expectations of performance.
This all inhibits your direct connection with the experience of pleasure.
Then, from this place, you can use the other tools of surrender and no expectations to follow where that pleasure leads, rather than where your mind leads.
One great way to get your awareness centered in your pleasure is to come to stillness, take a few deep breaths, and feel your body. Then, together, start moving in the tiniest of movements.
Keep the movements very small, and focus all of your awareness on whatever sensations are arising, without any expectation of where they lead.
I imagine this experience like finding the end of a thread, and then following that thread along. The thread of your pleasure will lead you right into the Sweet Spot.
Even practicing ONE of these tools intentionally is likely to shift your experience in a positive way.
I encourage you to share what you learned with your partner, and together decide what one thing you want to apply to improve your sex life.
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